On 25 and 26 May 2018 the first PARTE network meeting took place at the Meertens Institute and at the University of Amsterdam. The meeting was organized by PARTE members Leonie Cornips and Petra Sleeman. During the first day of the meeting protocols and questionnaires for the analysis and elicitation of partitive elements were presented and discussed. Giuliana Giusti gave an ACLC lecture on protocols for partitive determiners at the University of Amsterdam. The first part of the second day was devoted to the setting up of a partitivity database. We were very grateful that Sjef Barbiers, Marjo van Koppen, Gertjan Postma and Hennie Brugman had accepted to present and discuss already existing databases with us. Some of the PARTE members also presented their database. In the afternoon, Marjo van Koppen and Sjef Barbiers presented their recent research on partitive pronouns in Dutch. During the two days of the meeting some of the PARTE members presented their new or ongoing research on partitive elements. It was decided that the partitivity database would be created in 2018-2019 at the University of Zurich, with the input of the PARTE members with respect to the features used for the database.